Sitemap - 2023 - Gentle Company

Am I 'supposed' to be 'doing' anything this week?

'Ritual' workshop recording

When we don't know how to say it, say it imperfectly. In fact, just say that you don't know what to say.

Introducing A Soft Resolution: 31 days of writing prompts and weekly workshops practicing presence in January.

'What are we present to?' workshop recording

Monday Prompts 40: to 'look back with firm eyes/ saying “this is where I stand.”

Zoom link for In Good Company (a drop-in writing workshop)

Zoom link for Poetry Club - tonight at 7pm EST!

When the theme is presence but the reality is unbearable to look at.

Monday Prompts 39: 'love the small things of the earth.'

It's December. Does that mean anything?

Monday Prompts 38: ritualizing ourselves out of the fear.

Zoom Link for In Good Company (a drop-in writing workshop!)

Zoom link for In Good Company (a drop-in writing workshop!)

Dinner With Strangers in Costa Rica anyone?

Monday Prompts 37: the miracle of belonging to a world that keeps trying.

Lessons from dinner: this could happen anywhere.

Zoom link for Poetry Club - Tuesday, November 14th at 7pm EST!

Monday prompts 36: even sports are poems, just watch me prove it.

Tend to your porch.

Monday Prompts 35: this is the world we've been given.

There Is So Much To Be Said. How Might We Actually Create The Space To Say It?

Monday Prompts 34: 'no other shore, only this bank.'

'Inventory Of Gratitude' workshop recording

Zoom link for In Good Company (a drop-in writing workshop!)

Monday Prompts 33: "'it's simple,' they say."

Notes on writing: finding the words for impossible times.

Zoom link for Poetry Club - Tuesday, October 17th at 7pm EST!

Lessons from dinner: we must allow ourselves to be changed by the stories of others.

Monday Prompts 32: any threshold is a new frontier.

Notes On Writing: permission to have the stakes not feel so dire.

Monday Prompts 31: 'life leans towards living.'

Looking to retreat? Let's go to The Inn Between!

Recording for 'How To Host A Dinner Series: Workshop and Q&A'

'What Can Change' workshop recording

Zoom link for How To Host A Dinner Series: Workshop and Q&A

Zoom link for In Good Company (a drop-in writing workshop!)

The strange phenomenon of watching your dream come alive in front of you, nbd.

Monday Prompts 30: always seeing something new.

Notes on writing: are we supposed to have goals?

Zoom link for Poetry Club TONIGHT at 7pm EST!

Monday Prompts 29: we are an accumulation of everything we've ever loved.

Making friends with the jerk in my head.

Notes On Writing: u ok bud?

Monday Prompts 28: 'it could happen any time.'

September is upon us and I am overthinking what it means to begin again.

Monday Prompts 27: I am and I am not who I once was.

Notes On Writing: elements of a daily practice.

'I Want To Be Known' Workshop Recording

Monday Prompts 26: how might I come to know you in this moment?

Zoom link for In Good Company (a drop-in writing workshop)

Notes on writing: you don't have to teach a lesson, you just have to tell the truth.

Monday Prompts 25: what's heavy becomes light.

A psychic forgot to call me back and because of that, I got the answer I was looking for.

Notes on writing: building a castle one grain of sand at a time.

Zoom link for Poetry Club TONIGHT at 7pm EST!

An inventory of various things occupying my mind lately.

Notes On Writing: so you want to monetize your creative work.

You're invited to Dinner With Strangers at Shiloh Barn!

Monday Prompts 24: 'inside every love is your own heart.'

Notes on writing: okay but actually you're going to write some bad stuff.

'Am I Allowed To Want This?' Workshop Recording

What Dreams Are You Carrying? - The Collective Conversation is tomorrow!

Monday Prompts 23: notes on the 'why even start' paralysis.

Zoom link for 'In Good Company' writing workshop tomorrow!

Notes on writing: what shows up is asking to sit with you.

Monday Prompts 22: 'if you could only string them all together, they would spell the answer.'

Is my dream robbing me of joy?

Notes On Writing: don't forget to consume anything that isn't you.

Zoom link for Poetry Club tomorrow - Tuesday, July 11th at 7pm EST

Monday Prompts 21: it's easier to sit in the angst of longing.

Maybe you actually do know what to do with your life.

Notes On Writing: maybe it's not that deep.

Monday Prompts 20: 'the plum you're going to eat next summer.'

Notes On Writing: developing a consistent writing practice.

The Collective Conversation is tomorrow!

Monday Prompts 19: I became the thing to which I gave the most time.

Zoom link for 'In Good Company' (a drop-in writing workshop!)

Notes On Writing: Our Only Assignment As Creatives.

Writer, on her eighth day off of social media has, surprise surprise, so many thoughts about it.

Monday Prompts 18: 'you wouldn't tell a flower it was made of sin.'

Zoom link for Poetry Club tomorrow - Tuesday, June 13th at 7pm EST

Monday Prompts 17: the moment we denounce our childhood selves.

The many gifts from coming out to ourselves.

Monday Prompts 16: 'with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door.'

We don't have to do any of this, but maybe we should anyway.

'Telling The Truth' workshop recording

Monday Prompts 15: what we're quick to forget.

You're invited to The Collective Conversation: Why All This Stillness?

Zoom link for Poetry Club tomorrow - Tuesday, May 23rd at 7pm EST

Monday Prompts 14: 'Spring is only a performance of reinvention'

Zoom link for In Good Company - tomorrow's writing workshop for paid subscribers!

Actually not everything needs to be a newsletter maybe.

In Good Company is this Saturday!

Monday Prompts 13: 'The patience of ordinary things.'

The man of my dreams is actually a pesky ghost that haunts me all the time.

We have so much time / we have so little time / we have no idea about time at all.

Monday Prompts 12: 'we all have reasons for moving.'

My least favorite place: hanging out in the meantime.

Poetry Club is tonight! Here's our Zoom link.

'Writing From What You Know' Workshop Recording

Monday prompts 11: the tricky business of dinosaurs

'In Good Company' Writing Workshop starts soon!

Let's write together - 'In Good Company' Writing Workshop starts tomorrow!

Life is inviting me to embark and I am rolling my eyes all over the place.

Monday Prompts 10: 'I don't know exactly what a prayer is.'

You're invited to The Collective Conversation

Hello, I'd like to talk to you about your wild, audacious, unreasonable dream.

Let's write together - introducing In Good Company, a writing circle for all of you.

Monday Prompts 09: upon waking to find the world completely different one day.

All things considered.

Monday Prompts 08: 'I live my life in growing orbits.'

On apocalypse, and how we've already figured out how to survive.

Poetry Club Is Tomorrow!

Monday Prompts 07: meanwhile, your joy is a gift to me.

The question under the question.

Monday Prompts 06: 'move it out into the sun. It will warm.'

You're invited to The Collective Conversation: what seeds are you sowing?

Last-minute writing workshop anyone?

Instagram is launching my career and also currently killing my creativity.

'Writing From Your Story' starts on Sunday!

Monday Prompts 06: there is a brutality to waking and being awake.

It's [almost] my birthday and I can have an existential crisis if I want to.

Monday Prompts 05: am I dead or is this winter?

February Poetry Club is tomorrow!

Monday Prompts 04: we tuck oranges in our pockets for each other.

My new thing is like... just taking a minute to make a decision?

Monday Prompts 03: 'these fleeting temples we make together.'

Monday Prompts 02: 'half-tipsy with the wonder of being alive.'

Can I actually handle having someone in the boat with me?

Monday Prompts 01: 'would like to take a walk with you.'

The Solace Of February.

Day Thirty-One: may these words wrap themselves around you like a cloak.

Day Thirty: 'we have made it through worse before'

Day Twenty-Nine: it's never about the earrings. Or the toothbrush.

Day Twenty-Eight: self trust is the path to rest.

Day Twenty-Seven: a few things about loneliness.

Day Twenty-Six: can you love what you don't know?

January Poetry Club - share your poems here!

Must we make a currency out of our calling?

Day Twenty-Five: what exactly are you waiting for anyway?

Day Twenty-Four: 'No other world but this one'

January Poetry Club is tomorrow!

Day Twenty-Three: being alive in each other's company.

Day Twenty-Two: 'to hold a thing that otherwise cannot be held.'

Day Twenty-One: Life, returning to find me.

Day Twenty: so the sky falls.

Day Nineteen: 'no new thing to tell.'

Day Eighteen: we could call this 'prickly.'

Day Seventeen: there might not be meaning but everything might matter.

Day Sixteen: the trivial things that keep me from feeling like I deserve a beautiful life (namely: forgetting the ketchup).

Day Fifteen: 'whatever it is, don't be afraid of its plenty.'

Day Fourteen: turns out holding an idea by the throat is a bit counter-productive, who knew.

Can I draw a border around this?

Day Thirteen: maybe we don't have to say everything.

Day Twelve: the way my experience arrives to me is my own.

Day Eleven: two gates.

Day Ten: the year began with one word: no.

Day Nine: surely joy has its place.

Day Eight: we can steel ourselves against the world.

Day Seven: a brief ode to pity parties.

Everyone is allowed to ease into the new year and go easy on themselves except for me.

Day Six: 'a limitless supply of encouragements'

Day Four: 'poetry, like bread, is for everyone.'

Day three: 'so much of this year is flammable'

Day Five: lamenting patience.

Day two: we greet our former selves.

How to subscribe to A Soft Resolution

Day one: What part of you 'just wants to live'?